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Air-con Re-gas - Autumn and Winter-proof YOUR Car at WCCNeston

Don’t be caught out with Autumnal mists forming IN your car!

We said ‘AIR-CON’. NOT ‘Con-air’.

One is hugely important when it comes to driving safely with all round visibility, while the other is a Hollywood movie starring Nic Cage and a bald John Malkovich on a plane full of cons.

Awesome movie soundtrack, to be fair though.

The Important Bit….

OK. As we know, air-con is more normally associated with the summer season. Sticky heatwave days (remember them?) where the only thing that made unavoidable road trips bearable was by hitting the air-con button on your vehicle’s dashboard. Only to be reminded of just how stifling - and un-British - that hot spell was when you exited your car.

What many drivers either don’t know - or tend to forget - is that the air-conditioning system can also come to your rescue when the temperatures plummet during the autumn and winter months.

Stopping short of opening the car windows, which nobody really wants to do in the depths of winter, or alternatively, standing outside your car to allow the de-misting process (our warm, moist breath adds to the condensation issues), reaching for the air-con is the quickest way to eradicate the instantly recognisable ‘window steam’.

Probably not a phrase, and certainly not a technical one, yet one which best describes the unavoidable and naturally occurring event which gets on our collective goat.

How It Works…

As soon as you turn your AC on, the process quickly sets to work drying out the air; meaning it will absorb more liquid from the car interior. However, it needs to be used in conjunction with the vehicle’s in-car heater.

Essentially, hot air will dry the condensation glass a little through evaporation. But then when the air cools down, the glass will briefly condense once more. Ensuring that you keep the air-con on, will maintain a dry atmosphere inside the cabin.

And Another Thing....

Don’t forget to turn off the air recirculation function, so as to aid and abet the mist, by actively inviting outside air in; rather than redistributing the existing air/temperature which is present in the cabin space.

Anyway, that’s the science bit disposed of. And now for the bit where WCCNeston comes in.

We routinely service, recondition and fix air-conditioning units for all Volkswagen and Audi Group vehicles. Extending to Bentley, Porsche and Lamborghini models.

Re-gassing is arguably the most common of all our AC system procedures. And a service we provide our customers countless times during the more clement weathered of the months. Whereby our techs remove the old refrigerant gas from the air-con system and replace it with new. Promoting the ready circulation of cold air once more.

But like we said at the top, keeping your car’s air-con in tip-top condition throughout the less obvious times of the year is a prudent thing to do. And where we step into the fray.

To find out more about our air-con services, or to book a convenient date for yourself, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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