In this blog we remind drivers and customers of the importance of getting a car battery replaced before winter comes to bear.
Long-standing TV ratings winner, ‘AutumnWatch’ has got some serious competition right now as WCC gives you, ‘CarBatteryWatch’.
Admittedly not the most glamorous of titles – or indeed, subject matters – but nevertheless a topic which needs bringing to your attention. The nights are drawing in. Autumn has well and truly arrived. And there are seasonal changes to look out for with our cars as much as our wildlife species.
Far from entering hibernation, modern cars’ many on-board features do the polar opposite. And the demands on particular aspects of them increases dramatically during the next few months.
As daylight hours diminish, temperatures begin to plummet. Yet our vehicles are still the sole means of getting from A – B. For the daily work commute, school run or dose of retail therapy. Especially in the run up to Christmas.
Arrange to Get Your Car Battery Replaced Before Winter Drains Its Reserves Without Us Even Noticing
Yet the greater the dependency on specific elements found in all our cars, the more one of its core components might potentially flag under the weight of expectancy.
Lights, heaters, windscreen wipers, heated seats, window demisters, radio and some in-car sat navs, MP3 and DVD players. And pretty much every other on-board device will conspire to drain our batteries. More so, at the time of year we’re heading into. Purely because our reliance on them is significantly greater than during the spring and summer months.
So, what’s the answer?
In a sentence. Getting a car battery replaced before winter.
Car Batteries Struggle For Survival in Colder Climes
Once the thermometer begins to drop away, the resultant cold temperatures can wreak havoc on our car batteries. Largely due to plummeting temperatures slowing down the chemical reaction inside of the battery’s all-important cells.
While batteries can traditionally continue to function under whatever conditions are usually thrown at them, the colder the weather gets the more high quality batteries tend to degrade. Due to car batteries designed to maintain their charge using a liquid electrolyte solution.
A solution which can be compromised by dramatic temperature change. Subsequently affecting its ability to transfer full power from the battery to where it’s needed in the vehicle. Which also explains the reason why, historically, drivers are more likely to experience issues when attempting to start their cars on cold mornings.
What Contributes Most to Car Battery Lethargy
And just to make matters worse, all of this has a recurrent habit of happening out of the driver’s sight (and mind). Seeing as car batteries lurk beneath the bonnet.
Therefore, the earliest warning signs of car battery fatigue and imminent failure is when any of the abovementioned in-car functions start to go on the blink. Or temporarily pack up. As a precursor to potentially giving up the ghost entirely.
There are three primary factors that play instrumental parts in a car battery’s demise over a period of time. Especially hastened by the arrival of more inclement weather conditions. Reduced capacity, increased draw from a vehicle’s starter motor and equally, increased dependency on the vehicle’s accessories.
All of which underlines the importance of booking in with WCC to get a car battery replaced before winter.
What Else May Complicate Matters?
Conversely, lack of use of our cars is another big issue. And one which again highlights why a car battery replaced before winter makes sense.
Short journeys, you see. In the Autumn and winter months we usually reduce the time we spend in our cars. At least for leisure activities. Road trips are more of a distant summer memory. Subsequently the strain on the alternator can impact directly on the car battery and its projected lifespan. Turning over the vehicle’s engine takes an enormous amount of power from a battery. While the alternator recharges your battery while the engine runs.
Frequent short drives never give your car’s alternator the chance to recharge sufficiently between destinations. Which is of even greater concern when the battery is older. Along with short drives, the other moot point is limited driving full stop. Not least because cars are often driven less during spells of extreme wintry weather, as well as Christmas holidays. Once everyone has reached their family destinations.
Casting your minds back to successive national Coronavirus lockdowns. As a result of restrictions on our movements to curb the spread of the virus, significantly less cars were on the road. And remember how many batteries were without charge when it came to things returning to something near normal?
Let WCC Keep Your Battery Fully Charged
We have the solution though.
In as much as we can order, supply and fit any car battery of your choosing. And have been providing this service for our valued customer base at this time of year, every year. For the past ten and counting. Although of course, you can order your new car battery through us absolutely any time of year. Regardless of seasonal weather variations.
We fit car batteries on any make of vehicle in the VW & Audi Group range, including models from Seat, Skoda, Porsche and Bentley. What we don’t hold in stock, we can quickly order in for you. Fitting it it to your car in no time at all. Either as a standalone job, or as part of a number of jobs your vehicle is scheduled to be booked into us for.
Either way, we strongly urge you to not take a chance with your car battery as the weather turns sour. By getting in touch with WCC today, and ensuring stress and trouble-free motoring this winter.