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A new website and some very exciting news…

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Exciting news for all Wirral Car Care customers…….WE ARE RELOCATING TO NESTON, AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS ON 1ST OCTOBER 2015.

We have found the perfect location which allows us to sit on the border of Wirral & Cheshire and be easily accessible by our growing customer base. Whilst this news may come as a surprise to customers very local to our current trading address, the decision to relocate is to ensure that we can service all of our customers in a more suitable location, and have a new and improved facility that supports our continued growth. It goes without saying that we owe a huge thanks to all our existing and loyal customers who have supported us from Day 1, and continue to refer new customers to us. We are delighted that we are growing because of our reputation and very excited about the future of the business.

With our great news comes a new logo, and a new and improved website. We will remain trading at our current location until the end of September, trading will commence from our Neston location on 1st October.

Please like and follow us on Facebook, share our status, and spread the news…..and watch this space first week in October for lots of exciting offers to celebrate our relocation. Finally, please do let us know what you think of our great news, and our website, your feedback is important.

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